I’m tired of my roommate
I don’t know if i’m being an asshole or not but my roommate is really starting to piss me off. I brought in an air fryer and a rice cooker when I moved in. Not once did I say it was for everybody to use. In my opinion, everyone should have and use their own items, especially if the roommates are randomly assigned. Yet he just started using them out of nowhere and at first I was ok with it. Until he decided to never wash them after using them and I can’t stand it anymore. He loves to make fried chicken in my air fryer and has never washed it after, doesn’t even soak it in water. So when I want to use it I have to wash all the gunk and grease out myself. One time he made rice in my rice cooker and left the rice in there for 3 DAYS and it started to stink really bad. He also loves using my silverware when his are dirty in the sink and of course doesn’t wash them. I’ve already hid all of my stuff and just wanted to vent but why tf are people like this? Were they not thought that it’s disrespectful to use someone’s stuff and not take care of it.
Another thing that pisses me off as that he clearly has money to buy his own things. He spent over 5k on a BIKE. Clearly you can buy your own $35 Walmart air fryer instead of using mine.