Should i be concerned by the rust on my waxed chain and cassette?
Hello I waxed my chain a few weeks ago and i noticed some rust spots on my chain and my cassette.
Does the rusted chain can become more fragile over time? Is it a concern for the durability of the chain and cassette or only an aesthetic problem?
I live in a region where there is snow all the winter so it is always wet and there is also salt on the roads. I know this is not the best conditions for a waxed chain but i wanted to wax mine because as i live in an flat i can't degrease my chain and wax seemed to be easier for me as i only need to dry/clean my chain after the ride.
Will I be able to clean my chain and cassette this spring? Or maybe I should buy one chain + cassette for the winter and one other chain and cassette for the summer?
Thanks for the advices