I’m lost need help/advice
Hello, i’m a female, 26 years old, i got diagnosed with bipolar type 1, rapid cycling. A month ago i was manic and psychotic ( tried to attack my family bc i thought they were spying on me and needed to save my brother from the end of the world. ( slept 10 hours in a whole week) Ended up in jail for a night ( cops were very rude and convinced i took drugs)
I am currently in a psych ward for a year now ( 6 months fully residential , 6 months daytherapy) When i told them, they reacted very mad telling me that they cant help me with more meds ( after i told them i think my meds arent working enough) because i’m already taking a fair amount. But that i have to rely on self care and the tools i learned in that year. I feel lonely and not understood by the only people i trust at the moment.
Do you think i’m in the wrong for relying more on my meds than the tools i learned? Im so lost thinking i did everything wrong.