What book subverted all your expectations?

Whether it's the plot itself, the quality of writing, or anything else about the book, have you ever read something that just had you going, "Wow...that was NOT what I expected."

I felt this way when I read Wyrd Sisters for the first time. I think I was just expecting a run-of-the mill fantasy. Little did I know that I was about to enter into the Upside Down version of our world, as written by Sir Pratchett -- so it's not quite upside down but flat and on the backs of four elephants, which are, in turn, on the back of a giant tortoise.

I was in eighth grade and it was the first time I had been introduced to footnotes as a way for the author to speak to the reader! The idea of meta, of a wry comment, a satire all within a STORY that kept me engaged...it was so fun! I devoured all the Discworld novels after that, as well as works of other writers in a similar vein.

I'm a writer now and Sir Pratchett's influence is very evident in my work. Needless to say Wyrd Sisters subverted my expectations in a life-changing way.

Any book that had you shook? In a good way? Bad way?