Which order should I read these books in?
I could use everyone's help in deciding which order I should read some of the classics in. I've never been a huge reader, usually getting a couple of books in each year, but I've decided that this is the year to pick it up. I've recently picked up a handful of the classics that I want to get into reading but please let me know if anyone has suggestions on which order to go. My main plan was to try to hop genre to genre and switch up the artists so I don't get burnt out on any one. Aside from the main fantasy books I'm going into almost all of these blind, with them only being recommendations by friends or reddit.
I'm also open to any recommendations for books I should add to my list!
Here's my list of books I've bought so far:
Lord of the Flies - Golding, William
The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia Edition - Hemingway, Ernest
The Old Man and The Sea - Hemingway, Ernest
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway, Ernest
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Hemingway, Ernest
A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway, Ernest
The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger, J.D.
Frankenstein - Shelley, Mary
East of Eden - Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck, John
The Short Novels of John Steinbeck - Steinbeck, John
Dracula - Stoker, Bram
The Hobbit - Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Two Towers - Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Return of the King - Tolkien, J.R.R.
The Fellowship of the Ring - Tolkien, J.R.R.
Stoner - Williams, John