My professor is stressing me out
Hi everyone, my girlfriend wants me to post this on behalf of her, so any help is appreciated.
“I’m in my last semester of college and I am in a 4 credit hour course that I must complete with a B or higher to graduate. It’s a large class size that meets twice a week for 2 hours at a time, and requires attendance. I haven’t been struggling with the content but I’ve reached my limit with the professor.
The professor is possibly the most distractable and horrendous professor. She contradicts herself as she lectures, and gives us practice problems to do but then gets annoyed when she does them wrong (almost always it’s inaccurate). She can’t manage the class- her version is yelling, clapping, and threatening us with not teaching the material.
I cannot get through a class without walking into the bathroom to calm down. The yelling and clapping raises my blood pressure and very anxious.
So.. do you guys think it’s ok to email the professor and express my issues with her handling of the class? How would I go about it? Or is it a horrible idea? Please share your thoughts and tips or if you’ve dealt with something similar?”
EDIT: My girlfriend appreciates everyone’s advice. She also wanted to add that she’s already taking anxiety meds and decided to stick it out for the rest of the semester (and will be writing an informative course eval).