I have no life. I've completely given up on myself
I'm 33F and I literally have no life and no future. I've dropped out of school and self-isolated myself when I was a teen then wasted all my 20s struggling with crippling social anxiety, panic attacks, anorexia and depression and barely leaving my house.
I grew up in a rather dysfunctional family, there was neglect and a lot of emotional abuse towards me and my brother. My brother has social anxiety too and struggled a lot with making friends at school, but he eventually managed to get his life together, got a job and his own family. But I seem to be perpetually stuck in this cycle. I've never really learned how to be an adult, I feel like my emotional maturity has stayed at teenager's level. I've never really had any serious relationships, never had a job. And the worst of it is that I don't really want anything. I don't see a purpose in even trying and to be honest I don't know how. I feel absolutely maladaptive and stupid, not worth anything good in this life.
Honestly, I've never thought I'd even last as long as I did. But what stops me from ending my life are my pets. I just can't think about what would happen to them when I'm gone. In this country where I live there's literally no shelters for animals and they will just get killed. So, I can say that I'm staying alive only for them.
Usually, I'm not one for pity parties. I prefer to stay quiet and don't talk much, especially about my life, because I'm very ashamed of how much of a failure I am. Just wanted to be vulnerable for once, but to be honest talking about it makes it sound even more pathetic than it feels. And sorry for my English, it's not my native language.
Edit: Thank you all so much for your kind words and support, I didn't expect it at all. Sorry if I can't reply to everything, but I'm reading every message and it means a lot to me 🧡
If I'm not responding to chat requests, it is because I'm insecure and a bit overwhelmed, please don't be offended, I'm not ignoring anyone on purpose.