Love Struck : The Couple Fighting Game | Day 11 | Shrek & Fiona join the fight for love

Rules : - 1 The couple has to be canon (no fan ships) - 2 They have to either be or have been in a relationship (no , one really likes the other or they're really close friends) - 3 Both of them have to fit a fighting game (they both have to be able to fight) - 4 Maximum two couples per franchise - 5 Maximum four couples of the same gender (2 Gay , 2 Lesbian)

Rules : - 1 The couple has to be canon (no fan ships) - 2 They have to either be or have been in a relationship (no , one really likes the other or they're really close friends) - 3 Both of them have to fit a fighting game (they both have to be able to fight) - 4 Maximum two couples per franchise - 5 Maximum four couples of the same gender (2 Gay , 2 Lesbian)