Can't Keep My Head Above Water. How Do Guys With Multiple Kids Do It?

I'm married with 2 kids (3F, 1M), we both work full time somewhat demanding jobs. With 1 kid, it seemed easy: I took care of all the chores, wife took care of the kid without much help. We still had free time, sanity, fun, etc. Once kid #2 came into the picture all of that changed, I'm well beyond any sane capacity I can handle and not sure if there is some "secret sauce" I'm missing or what.

I do 95% of the house chores, but my wife cannot handle both kids herself for many activities like bath time, sleep time, etc. so she asks me to help with that. I also take care of our dog that I did not want but we got because allegedly "You have to have a dog. All families have a dog." I wake up at 5 am, pack all of the kids daycare stuff, deal with dog while my wife gets kids ready. We pickup at 6 pm from daycare and then its a race to get dinner situated, change, bath time, putting kids down in order until like 9. I then clean the kitchen, walk the dog and go to bed. The entire weekend is usually me running around doing chores. I say this with zero hyperbole: I do nothing I enjoy anymore. I have given up all TV, all sports, all video games, everything. There is simply zero time. My wife to her credit is likewise running around like a maniac with little free time, but I feel myself growing frustrated because while the chores are 95/5%, the kids are certainly not 95/5% and are more like 40/60%.

I've asked all my fellow dads and the only answers I've gotten are to sleep less or get your wife to do more. I don't want to tank my health by sleeping less and my wife seems like she can't take on any more either. Is this just something I muscle through until the kids are a little older? Is there something I'm missing here? I feel like every month I say "I'm at capacity, I have nothing left to give" and then just more stuff gets thrown on my plate. I'm sure everyone here experiences this, but I'm wondering if there is any general advise I'm missing that could shed some light on it. The jump from 1 to 2 kids was absolutely unreal for me!