My last relationship broke me
I think my last relationship may have broken me... for good.
I went into that relationship the most secure I've ever been. I came out of it (2+yrs later) an anxious mess. It really broke my heart in the end. I've dealt with (dealing with) the fallout/grief in therapy and learned a lot in the process but I worry that the experience left me irrevocably broken.
That relationship ended nearly 3 yrs ago and I didn't seriously start dating again until last year. I met someone in January who seems like a good match but I have so much trepidation I can't even enjoy it!
He didn't pressure to meet or exchange phone numbers too soon. He's consistent in communication. He's kind! He lives 45 minutes away and has done all of the driving so far. He's educated and employed. Our values align. I really enjoy spending time with him. It's easy.
But I'm worried because I don't feel that "new relationship energy" or rather that I'm purposely tamping it down so that I don't get my heart broken when it inevitably goes south.
I worry that I'm coming across as aloof or disinterested when maybe I just need more time. I genuinely want to make a connection and hoped that I would after my last relationship failed. What am I doing wrong? How do I fix this inability... this fear... of being vulnerable?