It’s like Groundhog Day. My ex and I broke up about six months ago. I’ve never fully got over it. Quick timeline…I was married for ten years, got divorced. Met my ex about six months after that and we dated for 1.5 years. And the breakup was freaking hard on me. Still is. I accept it and I don’t we aren’t getting back together, but it’s hard. Anyways…
The problem I have now is I have dated since the breakup, but I haven’t found someone to keep dating long term. I don’t actually know if it’s because I’m not ready, or if I just haven’t found someone worthy of my full time and attention yet. I feel like it’s the latter. But who knows. Still hurting from my breakup leads me to think it’s also partially the former.
I’m still remaining positive. I think I’ll meet my person one day, it just hasn’t happened yet.
Do I need to have a question here? Ok…how many relationships did you have AFTER you first divorce before you finally found the ONE?