To DoorDash customer please considerate of your delivery person
I think there is a misconception of appropriate tip. I am convinced many DD customers look at delivery like tipping the waitstaff at the local restaurant. They are not the same.
1) the waiter:waitress waits on several tables at a time. In the course of an hour, 6 to maybe 10.
The DoorDash delivery driver may make 4 deliveries but most of the time it’s around 2.
2) DD driver absorbs the expense of gas, mileage on their car before you get payment for their time.
I get it. Food is expensive on top of the fees for delivery. Please considerate of the delivery person who is taking time from their family to provide a service.
If the dasher gives great service, add to their tip.
Answer the phone when they need help. provide as much information as to location. Come to the door to get your food as soon as possible. Lastly Leave your front light on at night.