Veilguard hurt the series for me

I don't quite know why or how, but I can't get myself to go back and play the previous games. Its aggravating, since Origins is my favourite game of all time, and I love 2 and Inquisition.

I don't really know WHY. I know i really disliked DAV, and that I think it was a bad addition to the series, but I don't know why its ruining the other games for me :/

Maybe its that jt feels like every game is building up to Veilguard, and that game (IMO), was awful. I don't know how to put it to words

I'm not trying to be a hater, I was so so excited for this game because its my favourite fantasy franchise. But it was just the complete opposite of what I, and I know many others, wanted

Anyone else feel the same? Can anyone put to words what this feeling is and why I am put off playing the previous games?

Edit: forgot to even mention this, but the reveal about the manipulation from the people from across the seas too at the end. Woof. Awful