Are anyone else’s Reformed families entrenched in incest?

Wasn’t really sure how to phrase this. The entirety of my family has been raised as CRC/RCA, and my family lineage is directly linked to the founding of a major Dutch Reformed town/branch in the Midwest in the 1800s as immigrants from the Netherlands. In my family, it’s been preached that you only ever mingle with Dutch people. You only shop at Dutch businesses, etc. This includes forming relationships with other Dutch people.

My grandparents were related to each other because it was required of them to marry another Dutch person in the community, and everyone was related to each other. Another example is that my aunt and my uncle have 8 different points of relation to each other. My family tree is like a circle lol.

My mom left the Reformed community because she’s more progressive than my family, and she took me with her, but her entire worldview is still shaped by the church and being raised in such an insular community. Frankly, I can never view the Reformed community as anything but cult-like and damaging. Her and I have some pretty severe health complications due to the incest in our family tree. I just wanted to know if anyone else here has had this problem? It’s hard to talk about