Just my venting. Why are people so mean?
Hi! The reason I'm writing this post is because today I had "friendly" argument or joke with some of my friends, he was talking about homosexuality, about liking men, liking femboys and stuff like that, but in a derogatory manner. He also made a “friendly” joke about my body hair (yes, I may have too much.) I just went along with him, and tried to contradict him in a jokingly way, but I really told him what I really thought.
This gives me some impotence and indignation. Why can't people just let the rest live? Why does it bother you that I want to look feminine? How does my body hair bother you? What bothers you about my possible sexuality? It's something I will never understand about homophobes, and people in general, it feels a bit overwhelming to be so sensitive and altruistic, with a “live and let live” profile like mine, when I am surrounded by people who are hostile towards my natural way of being. I maybe sound like the typical edgy or weirdo who says "society sucks", but I just can't feel the opposite. Literally EVERYTHING would be so much better if we would just be nice, and not judge others for fun. I'm SURE that if some of my friends find out that I like femboys or that I want to be one of them, they'll just make fun of me, judge me, and bully me, and it really sucks, I'm so kind and nice, I just love feeling this way, this feminine, this sexuality, I don't understand why that could be a problem or something to make fun of. I would really love to meet someone besides my parents (at least, AT LEAST I have them) with whom I am confident that they would not judge me in this situation, I feel overwhelmed, outraged and rejection.
That's it, if you read this far, thank you for taking the time to read a silly boy complaining about his problems and concerns, and I'm sorry if it took you long or made you a bit annoyed reading me. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to :3