I just want to die. Is tinnitus a symptom that can't recover?
I am completely devastated.
In the first weeks, I was an idiot who believed that he would get through this mildly, as I did not have tendon or similar pain.
I've had ear pressure for a few weeks and tinnitus for 2 days.
All I see about it is stuff like "tinnitus goes untreated, it doesn't heal, it lasts for years but eventually you'll just have to get used to it, sleep with the noise".
I don't notice my tinnitus during the day because it's low frequency (at least for now). When I close my right ear and listen, I hear a noise like a computer fan in my brain.
The worst is when you go to bed. When I lie down, I can hear that humming sound very clearly, especially if I lie on my right ear. Sometimes it hums along with the pulse.
After 3 months my sleep was starting to improve a bit and this stupid thing happened. I start waking up many times during the night and I wake up early in the morning. Because of this hum.
I'm so tired of all this now. I have no hope at all.
I feel like this tinnitus will remain even if everything is over. Maybe I'm going to lose my mind.
Why is the worst happening to me?
I'm 26 and this summer has been crap. How many more months will it go like this?
Please don't tell me "you'll get used to it". Why do I have to get used to it?
I would give anything to go back to my old simple and happy life.
Because of a stupid doctor, he gave me these drugs for the UTI that he saw by chance, which I had no complaints about. I didn't even have any complaints about my body. Then I lost all my health, my youth, my joy.
While I was good in my career, I became unable to focus on my work. I'm slowly losing everything.
I am in total pain. My soul hurts.