Cured people
How does this disease just suddenly go away for some people? It seems to be hooked into cells all over our body. No one knows where it is or who to get it out. Yes some peope, it just disappears.
Is that like a spontaneous remission of an aggressive cancer? Should we put our hopes in that? Just keep suffering hoping your case might must magically disappear like that other person. I don't feel like I am going to be in that group. And what would I come back too, my life would be a waateland. All my muslces weak, business cut in half, PTSD for sure. That's if I get cured before I get so bad Im in a hosptial, matbe even a psych ward.
Should some of us not play Russian roulette like this? Sink so low that if we dont heal we lose our humanity, it we do heal we have to claw our way through our broken lives.
What if peope just want to quit. Maybe there lives wereso tough up to this point , so myc disappintment , this is just not worth it. I guess peopol are afraid to speak up or they wil get put in Reddit jail.
My bosy my xhoiice. Ths is a young demographice too chidh has amuch highe rate of healing. parlty when you get oder you see some much traged youve lost the motivation. Yoru tiredl And no one can expoain the cured cases or the chriosic xasesl are the ured cases rea? How do you get a hilions bits of poison out of your cells? It ist strue why are we not studing these people. If there is not reoadmap, why epect others to folow into the forrest with no map.