Long Term Floxies - Collagen ( I recommend not reading if you are newer to this )
Hello All,
10+ Years out at this point, still have issues with my knees. Felt like all of the support soft tissue, collagen/padding etc.. Was wiped out in the first dose of the drug.
That part has never come back, even 10 years later. It feels like I have my joint/ perhaps some cartilage, and tendons and thats it.
My two main concerns are muscle wasting/fatigue and what I will group under collagen, and I know those are most likely related.
It has been a very long road for me I had a whole system wide reaction. I wish I could l do something that felt like I was helping to restore/repair my knees.
I finally started some physical therapy and am trying to stabilize as much as I can which is tough with the muscle weakness. And as I know a lot of you have probably experienced its hard to know what can be repaired/worked on or not.
I've considered more direct mitochondria therapies like Nicotinamide/CoQ10 etc. And have tried bone broth though I know it is not a 1:1 way to increase collagen.
Its hard to write these as I always want to throw out all of my thoughts on it as its not a headspace I like to dwell in.
TLDR: 10+ years ater still have collagen issues a couple of questions for you all.
- Have you done anything that has helped?
- What angle do you work on it from if so, mitochondria, taking collagen related supps or something else
- Has there been any interesting research/study that you have come across that speak to the collagen formation as it relates to fq's
Thanks for any info. Also I mean this as politely as I can please do not express sympathy/pity at this point I just find it more upsetting haha