Almost 10 months away: changes and thoughts and one question

26 / F. 5*750 mg Cipro for literally nothing.

You can learn a lot of details about my process from my old posts.

I'm writing these as a note to myself. Maybe it'll help someone.


Here are all the symptoms I have had in 10 months:

  • Muscle twitching
  • Gut irregularity
  • Gas/bloating in the stomach and gut
  • Cracking/popping in the joints
  • Night sweats
  • Swollen and visible veins
  • Lack of sleep
  • Bruises
  • Anxiety, stress
  • Crying non-stop
  • Pressure (like opening and closing) and heartbeat in the ear
  • Tinnitus

I'm not sure about these three symptoms:

  • Sensitivity to the sun
  • Forgetting the names of objects
  • Positive afterimage

The symptoms I still have:

  • Rarely muscle twitching
  • Rarely abnormal joint cracks
  • Swollen and visible veins

(Since we are in the winter months, I only notice it if my body temperature gets too high. They will probably be very visible and swollen again when summer comes)

  • Rarely pressure (like opening and closing) and heartbeat in the ear
  • Tinnitus

(When I completed the 3rd month, it suddenly started in my right ear at midnight, and 3 weeks later it started in my left ear as well. I can't hear it during the day, and I can hear it occasionally at night and when I first wake up in the morning, if I pay attention. If I close my ears with my hands, I can hear it, but it doesn't affect me. This is a very important development because when Tinnitus first started, the psychological damage it caused to me was much worse than Tinnitus itself.)

  • My sleep pattern is generally normal, but sometimes I sleep late. (This may even be normal.)
  • Sensitivity to the sun

(It was summer in my first months and I noticed it a little, but it may have recovered. I will check it when summer comes.)

  • Positive afterimage

(I noticed this a few months ago. It's quite a strange thing, but I don't know what I can do about it or if this is something related to FQ or if I had it before. - For example, I think I had floaters before FQ, too.)


Supplements I took in 10 months (I did not take all of them regularly):

  • Iron (My ferritin levels were low. They were low before FQ as well.)
  • Vitamin D
  • Omega 3 (Just a few times. It worsened lack of sleep.)
  • Magnesium Glycinate & Malate & Mg N-Acetyl Taurinate (Game changer for me.)
  • Collagen powder
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Betaserc (A histamine drug prescribed by ENT for Tinnitus. I used it for 1 month, but it did not help.)

I took most of them for a month or two and stopped, and for the last two weeks I have been using only collagen powder and when the 3-month cure is over, I will stop using it and take a break.

Since I am Aegean, I didn't have to make many changes in my diet. My consumption of packaged foods was already few, but I paid more attention. I didn't consume coffee for a short time, but now I drink a cup every day, just like before.


Supplements that I thought about taking but didn't:

  • Methylene blue
  • ALA
  • CoQ10
  • PQQ
  • NAC
  • L'theanine
  • Astaxanthin
  • Lutein
  • Glutatyon IV



My thoughts on tinnitus, crying non-stop, and the acute phase:

As someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety for maaany years, I can say that it is nice to get back to my own anxiety and my own troubles. :) It's nice to worry about ordinary things (job, inflation, existence, etc.).

I get a blood test sometimes and take supplements that i need, but I don't know what's going on in my body at the cellular level. Luckily I've stopped thinking about it too much now.

- I think I've never experienced any flareups or relapses.

- I had cold twice after FQ and didn't take any medication.

- Shortly before using FQ, I had sciatica pain and ibuprofen medication and gel were helped me. They don't exist to me anymore, fortunately, I only had sciatica pain twice in 10 months, but I'm afraid of needing those medications one day.

This was my comment for a user:

"I think fear, terrible anxiety (I already had anxiety, what I'm talking about here is something different), and uncontrolled crying resolved around the months 5-6. It's quite interesting because I woke up one morning and it was like a curtain in my mind had been lifted and a little bit of light had come in.

I don't know how this happens - good quality Magnesium is a pretty good help.

I can't say these symptoms left and never came again. But it doesn't affect my daily life as much as it used to. Now, I can stay home alone, I come to this subreddit less and think about Cipro less.

Oh, and I couldn't feel like myself for a long time, too. I just hung in there. When you feel like yourself again, you will see that your patience was worth it.

There are not enough words to describe how I feel when I am anxious. But probably everyone here understands me anyway. My only advice to anyone experiencing this problem: not everything you think is real. (Many people here gave me this advice during my bad times, and they were right.)"


One question:

Have you ever eaten shrimp, mussels, oysters, squid after FQ? If you ate, what was your reaction? I'm staying away from them for now.


Of course, there is more detail on this hard journey that still continues, there are many thoughts to say. But I want to leave them behind because they don't occupy my mind so much anymore. I wish the good developments will be permanent. I wish my other symptoms will disappear over time. I wish these for everyone.

I wish each of you lots of recovery. I no longer remember the some things I experienced in this regard in detail, I think my mind is trying to forget. But still, if you have any questions, I try to be helpful.

I know how hard it is, but hang in there. As I wrote above, what you think is not real. These stupid drugs make us all think the same dark things.

Sorry for my English.