18 month update
26 (currently 27) / F /5*750 mg Cipro with Fosfomycin for literally nothing.
You can learn a lot of details about my process from my old posts. This is one of my most comprehensive posts: 10 month update
I'm writing these as a note to myself. Maybe it'll help someone.
First of all, I haven't been on Reddit for a long time, and it saddens me to see the number of members on this subreddit increase.
A lot has changed in my life (I started a new job, and got engaged). I don't think much about Cipro anymore. I feel like those days are behind me.
However, it is very tiring not to be able to use medication when I have the flu, etc. because the medications I should avoid are the ones I use the most in such situations normally. I am afraid that one day I will have to use one of these medications (NSAIDs, etc.) for some reason.
I started feeling better around 6 months. One of the things that worked best for me was using a really good quality magnesium. But don't think of magnesium as a magic pill because it was very strange that I started feeling better.
Until that day, I had incredible and non-stop crying fits. I was trying to read all the posts on this subreddit and was online all the time. I was constantly researching this topic. It's important to be aware of this issue, but you need to give yourself some time.
But if you can't do that, don't beat yourself up. It is really difficult to think clearly during this process.
Anyway, I woke up one day in the 6th month, and it was like a curtain had been lifted off my mind. I always describe it that way because I don't know how else to describe it. Those crying fits were gone. Of course, I didn't get better overnight, but my recovery accelerated.
Remember, not everything you think is real. These stupid pills make you think that way. I still don't have a clear answer to how they can do something like this, but they do. We can understand exactly what everyone here feels because they make us all feel the same way.
The symptoms I still have:
- Rarely pressure (like opening and closing) and heartbeat in the ear
- Tinnitus (My reaction to this was horrible, I thought my life was ruined. I think I can say I don't care anymore. Maybe that's why I don't notice it that much anymore.)
I'm not sure about the positive afterimage symptom.
One of the symptoms that bothered me the most was the increased visibility of my veins (especially in my hands). I think they are better than before. I don't even check them anymore. I was using quality collagen powder for this for a while, but I think it was "time" that did them well.
Some things I've come to think important (I know they can be hard to do because your mind can't think clearly):
- Eating as healthy as possible (I didn't make any changes since I already follow a Mediterranean diet).
- Learning triggers and avoiding them (I drink coffee, I always have. Trying to quit coffee was more tiring :))
- Not spending hours on this subreddit, but talking to people when necessary to clear doubts, etc. (I still come here occasionally and ask questions.)
- Getting professional help for mental health if concerned (I didn't).
- Not expecting people who are not floxed to fully understand us...
- Spending as much time in nature as the body allows.
- Not additionally stressing the body.
- Feeling free to watch stupid TV shows, etc. that don't stress the mind.
- Hanging in there and waiting for time to pass. It will pass eventually.
I wish everyone, especially those who are experiencing much more severe physical symptoms, a lot of recovery. (Sorry for my English.)