"New" scoreboard vs old style

If you hit level 100 you "complete" the season. I feel that if you complete the season you should be able to claim all the rewards.

With the "new" style, you can hit level 100 and there is not enough tickets to claim everything. Therefore I am forced to pass up on items and must pick and choose what I claim.

As a completeionist this bothers me on another level. It forced me to pick and choose my rewards. You actually miss out on even more items if you have FO1st because it fuether dilutes the loot pool. Sure you can level up beyond 100, but it becomes a super grind to get the 3500xp to level up.

I've been grinding every day. I'm around 145 and still don't have enough tickets to claim all the normal rewards, let alone any of the "bonus" repeatable rewards.

I'm sure there's been posts about this before, but as a returning player, season 3, this is my second season on the "new" style and I hate it. I know someone answered a comment I made asking about if there even was enough and they said you need to hit level 300ish. This isn't even counting the repeatable ones at level 150.

Looking for community thoughts. Is the majority of the player base content with passing up on rewards? Or are there other like me upset that you can't claim everything?