Fasnacht Donation Box and Stimpacks, a story

It's barely been one day and people are already in full argument swing, AFKers are evil, donation box spammers are vultures, etc...

I've chosen to give those who run the raids between fasnacht runs a fun idea. If you are unaware, between raid stages the game practically poops out Stimy Packs and Anti-Rad chems like crazy. I had a fun idea yesterday afternoon and it gave me a good laugh.

I run full Thru Hikers on both my Power Armor and Secret Service armor, so chems aren't that detrimental to my carry weight. I was hauling literally thousands of Stims and Anti-Rad chems through Fasnacht. Once the event ended, I would drop 100 Stim Packs at a time into the donation box. Then 100 super stimys. Then 100 of Rad-Away and Rad-X. Until every chem was dropped in the box. I would walk away and then people spamming the box would be forced to waddle away then spend time dumping those chems just to fast travel away.

Gave me a good laugh because it worked every time without fail. For context, we did run an EN06 exploit for quick runs, and then my group would break to scrap stuff, then join up Fasnacht. Such a good time giving the vultures the worst thing they could ask for. Coal in the form of Stimys.

If you wanna get those people to stop, give them the gift of life, and 500 extra carry weight. Hopefully you get a good laugh out of it like I did.