Adult children of avid gamers… what was that like?
I'm a fairly avid gamer. I play at least 2 hours a day (I know that doesn't touch a lot of players numbers). It's usually during the day if I'm working from home; I'll play on my lunch break, then again at some point in the evening. Naturally I play a lot more on the weekends or lazy days, but I never shirk my duties as a dad, and rarely play between when she gets home from school and when she goes to bed. But of course she still see me play a fair amount.
I'm not a "yeller." I don't have a headset. I'm a pretty even keeled player, mostly first person shooters and survival games, but nothing gorey. She's sat and watched me play FO76 multiple times and thinks my tattered mole head is "cute," but that's the extent of it. She does play Minecraft on her phone a fair amount, but the console doesn't interest her.
I'm curious to hear from people that grew up with gaming parents, what that experience was like and how they perceived that hobby. Whether you were right there with them, or just an observer, I'd love to hear your story.