Is there any reason, besides "money" that australian and NZ ps4 downloadable games are priced so much higher than USD games?
Here's an example: The standard edition doom eternal costs $59.99 USD. The exchange rate to AUD is 1 to 1.37. This means that doom eternal SHOULD costs australian's around 82.15 dollars. Instead it costs them $99.95 AUD (which comes to 13 USD more for the same product). NZ gets even more screwed over (exchange rate of 1 to 1.49) with a whopping pricetag of $119.95, over 20 USD more than what american's pay. Note that physical copies in both countries are generally far more reasonable, at about 70-80 dollars. Basically all games on the psn store are affected by this and there are more countries affected by this but I haven't done the math. This blatant price gouging seems pretty shitty and it's one of my biggest reasons to fear physical games going extinct.