Packing for hospital
I’m due to deliver my second baby on 03/04, so I’m packing a bag of easy meals/snacks in an effort to avoid cross contamination in cafeteria foods. This is what I have so far, I would love suggestions/input!
-Electric Kettle -Phonomenal GF Pho (2) -Annie’s GF Mac n’ Cheese cups (2) -Idahoan Potato pouches (3) -Bobs Red Mill oatmeal cups (2) -Costco Applesauce & chocolate nut bars
These are obviously not the most nutritious meals, but I’m not sure what resources will be available as far as fridge/freezer/microwaves go, so I’m relying on the electric kettle to do the heavy lifting. I’m expecting the hospital will have bananas, apples, and hopefully some other stuff that is naturally GF.
Any suggestions or advice? Words of wisdom?
UPDATE: I called the hospital. The operator connected me to L&D, and the nurse I spoke to said they have a GF menu but transferred me to the cafeteria to speak with someone directly. The cafeteria employee told me they don’t have separate prep or cooking areas (I am crazy sensitive to cross contamination). So I will be bringing my food and my kettle, and if I can’t use my kettle then I will ask for hot water from the staff.