Just finished my DIY Home Sim Build

Finished her up about a month ago. Absolutely in love.

Eye XO2 LK936ST (3) 27” Samsung Monitors Carls Premium Built In Onnit Panels Custom PC Build with 4080 Super Fiberbuilt Player Preferred GrassTex Black Bermuda Turf Club Keyboard Wireless Controller Philips Hue Light Strips and Can Lights

Some fun stuff: 3D Printed Brackets and Face Plates to Recess Swing Optix 3D Printed Soundbar Mount to Tuck It in Behind Launch Monitor 3D Printed Shallow Cup Sunk into Turf/Foam with Plug to Hide Custom Rail Built from 80/20 allows LM to slide left for lefties

Measures 16’ Long x 11’ Wide x 9’2” High 100% DIY