with ✌️ & 💖 just watched the new ep

What's the difference between Hasan associating with those radical socialists podcasters and Ethan associating with multiple trump supporters and not just neutral trump supporter either, trump supporters that have met trump irl and make content encouraging young voters to vote trump.

Just seems hypocritical...I wish Ethan and honestly other Americans would stop normalising trumpism as just "having a different political opinion" it's supporting fascism, racism, misogyny...you could call it radical...



I've read all y'all comments and I do agree that opening dialogue with people you disagree with is important and can have positive outcomes. The only thing I know about Hasan is what Ethan said about him and his criticism was that he 'associates' with these people but from y'all comments I guess he does more than just that.

I'm a kiwi so my perspective of American politics is all online which makes it easy for me to make grand statements that I am not friends with trump supporters because I don't live in a country with 50 million people who voted for him.

But as a queer woman I do think that if you are a trump supporter you are a bad person, and the idea that we have to take time out of our lives to educate these people that racisim = bad etc is just sooo exhausting.