Depth Positioning
Just read this article from Rob Gherson on Connor Hellebuyck and it got me thinking about my play style. I've been lurking on this sub for quite a while now, and considering I haven't had any coaching in goaltending since I was like 16 (coming up on 25 years now) I don't think my thoughts on how to play the game have really kept up with how the game and position is played now. As I said, my mentality hasn't really evolved past trying to emulate Martin Brodeur circa 2001, but comparing equipment and the way the game is played now, I might as well be emulating Johnny Bower.
I've always considered myself good at positioning, but with age my athleticism and reflexes aren't what they used to be. I was much more stand-up style and then flopper in emergencies, but with the new pads I'm definitely evolving into more butterfly. I've already conceded that the length of stick I've been using since then is way too long. But now, reading about the older or less athletic goalies staying deeper in their nets, I'm wondering if my old thinking of coming way out on rushes or on plays in the slot are working to my detriment.