I really dislike when people give me plants.
Throwaway because I'm honestly a little paranoid of being found out lol.
One of my good friends, whom I love dearly, keeps propping and giving me plants that I don't want. I feel bad because he works really hard on them and he gives them to me based on hearing me say I want certain plants in the future, but everything he gives me I just look at with disdain.
My thing is, I don't want just any plant. After over a year, I still only have 4 plants that I acquired myself and that I really care for. When I want a plant, I do a ton of research beforehand, and I make several trips to the store because when I get there, that specific plant has to really speak to me for me to take it home. I decide on a place in my room where I think it can belong. I deliberate hard and then even give the new plant a name, and I don't get any new plants for a while because I want to really pay attention and get to know the quirks of the one I just got. This process is important to me and each of my plants that I acquire this way, I look at with love.
But the plants my friend gives me are ugly, leggy messes that I wouldn't give a second look to if it were in the store. For example, a single pothos vine that is mostly bald with 1 leaf. I love my friend, and he's the one who got me into plants which makes it all feel worse because our love of plants is a significant part of our friendship. I dislike the plants I get from him and I only keep them around because they're relatively low effort and he worked really hard on them and I enjoy our friendship otherwise. And I understand the urge to give friends props and share your joy with others. He obviously cares about me.
I've tried telling him I don't "feel confident" with certain plants (lie) or just not to bother with propping because it's effortful. They're roundabout ways, I know... And he always insists. What would you guys do in my position? Can anyone even relate? 😭
Edit: Everyone, thank you so much for the input. I think you all are right about the best way forward being an honest talk about how I feel about receiving plants that I don't feel that connection with. I think I will cherish the spindly little guys my friend has given me because they are gifts of love and I can have different reasons to care for different plants, but going forward I will be saying a kind but firm "no" while emphasizing my love and appreciation for his gift giving and friendship. 🌱