Why are people so quick to surrender?

Pretty new to the game, been 3 weeks maybe a month. Currently sitting at level 26 so i've got a decent amount of hours in the game. I find people are so quick to surrender, like what's the big deal with losing? I would rather battle it out to the very end then sit in queue waiting for "other player didn't ready up in time".

And even then, it will be less than 10 minutes in, still anyone's game and there will be a surrender vote, and it passes. Does that get better as i level up some more? I usually play draft pick cause i figure people in there are more likely to play better, but even quickplay is as bad. I haven't unlocked ranked yet so is that my saving grace.

** Edit ** thanks for the replies. A lot of people saying the same things but here is my counter. I don't care, win or lose. I just want to play a game to completion. I would actually be curious if there is a stat in game that tracks games played vs game completed.

Sure I get it, no one likes being on the losing team, but someone has to lose. If I'm on the winning team it sucks when things are getting good and the other team surrenders. Likewise if we are on the losing team who cares, let's battle it out. Let the winning team win give them the satisfaction of winning.

Imagine watching [sports match] and halfway through the game one team just says "yea, we can't win. We give up" I get it most sports have time limits but still