ADCs are not weak, they just need QOL changes
Hi, I'm an ADC main, and I’ve been playing the role since Season 8. My peak is Grandmaster on EUW, but most of my life I’ve spent in Master.
There has been a trend for a long time now, and whenever a game isn’t heavily dominated by ADCs, people call the role weak. I honestly don’t feel that way at all. But there are things that make me unhappy, especially in the quality of life department for certain runes and items that just need polishing, starting with:
Press the Attack:
Please make the rune stackable on multiple targets but procable only on one. Whenever you play champions like Miss Fortune or Zeri with this rune, you need to make sure there is no target behind the one you’re hitting. Otherwise, the rune will simply reset on the guy behind.
For example, on Miss Fortune, you need to auto-attack the target twice before you press Q to make sure it does not reset. I believe this is not how the rune should work and handicaps you for executing the combo right. The same can be said about Yasuo, Yone, Senna, etc. These are just the ones off the top of my head.
Lethal Tempo:
This rune got removed and then came back slightly different, without being able to exceed the attack speed cap, with some extra damage.
I hated the extra range on the original Lethal Tempo and felt like it was unnecessary, and Riot replaced that extra range reward for 6 stacks with extra damage that scales with attack speed. But you can no longer exceed the attack speed cap, which the old Lethal Tempo could, and that is the problem in my opinion.
Solution? Allow exceeding the cap to 5.0 (current cap is 2.5) and remove the damage. Why? Champions like Twitch, Kog'Maw use on-hit items, so allow them to use on-hit items to their maximum rather than compensate them with damage from the rune. Make them deal damage with the items. Varus, for example, can exceed the cap, but only to 3.0.
Essence Reaver:
This item got reworked to offer infinite mana upon completion but removed the Sheen effect, which was the sole purpose of the item.
Essence Reaver went from having very clear identity users like Ezreal, Lucian to having no identity users.
Sure, you can say that champions like Xayah and Lucian are the primary users now because they utilize it all—damage, mana, haste, and crit. But they build it mostly because, unlike most ADCs, they like to scale with spells and ability haste, and having infinite mana is just a bonus, not the reason you build it, unlike old Essence Reaver.
I mean, you finish the item around the 12-14 minute mark, and that’s when the early game is usually about to end and mid-game is around the corner. Mana is no longer a concern because you don’t need to stay on every wave forever. You want to base often because that’s how you get strong, and when you base, you replenish your mana, obviously, making the passive absolutely pointless after the early game. But you finish it in the mid-game, so the item has no chance to even have an identity. Compare it to Lost Chapter, which costs 1200 gold and is something you aim to get as a mage, or Tear, which you get at your max second base, around the 5-7 minute mark, and utilize the extra mana unlike Reaver.
Solution? Bring back the old Essence Reaver or add an item, instead of Warhammer, that gives you a similar passive to Lost Chapter and functions as an actual infinite mana glitch.
No matter the situation, you always have to go LDR:
I’m not ranting about LDR being useless, but this item lost its identity as a "build-it-if-enemy-tanky" scenario.
Now, mathematically speaking, you are trolling if you don’t build LDR at least as your 4th item, even if the enemy doesn’t even touch armor items. 30% Armor penetration outclasses every single ADC item by far.
Here’s the math and realistic scenario:
You play Jinx, you go crit, starting off with YunTal into IE and Hurricane. The enemy team is full squishy, with Quinn, Kha'Zix, Orianna (no Zhonyas), Caitlyn, Nami. It’s the 25-minute mark, and you are about to make a choice of what item to build. Well, you look at the enemy and think they’re all squishy, so you need Collector, right? Because that’s what the item is supposed to do—be strong into squishies. Well, that’s not the case.
Let’s just go with the average armor at level 15, which should be around 90-ish. For calculations, let’s say 95 base armor. Collector reduces the armor to 85 with 10 lethality from the Collector.
The way armor works is everything is calculated back to percentage-based damage, meaning that if you cut armor from 95 to 85, you are cutting it from 47.5% to 46.4% incoming physical damage, so 10 lethality gives you 1.1% extra damage. Now, if LDR gives you 30% armor penetration, the cut is from 95 to 66.5 armor.
Percentage-wise, we are looking at 38.4% damage reduced, which, from the original 47.5%, is a 9.1% extra damage and 8% more damage than with Collector as the 4th item, and that’s a big deal. And if we look at the fact that this is a scenario where LDR is LEAST effective, we have a problem in the item system and armor calculations in my book.
There are surely more things, but I’ve decided to just list the core ones in my opinion, and I hope that someone from Riot will give it a thought. I love League and I love marksmen. Also, just a clarification: I don’t think bot lane being "dominated" by mages in solo queue is a problem. Mages spike at 1-3 items, while ADCs spike later. If mages are a problem, we will see it in probably mid-February in Pro-play meta
Thanks for your time, and sorry for my broken English. Have a nice day.