Is there any resource (books, videos, etc.) that attempt to show the intuition, big ideas, and beauty of elementary algebra and/or number theory?

It's obvious why calculus is seen as an appealing subject for 3B1B-type explanations. It has all of these really neat and obvious connections to physics (everyone loves space) and it's generally a very visually appealing subject.

But I feel as if Elementary Algebra and Number Theory isn't treated with any of the same respect. It feels like there could exist a video called "the beauty of fractions" or "the beauty of prime numbers" and make very visual representations using strings/ropes, and trying to chop them up into lots of tiny parts. (Euler does this in his Elements of Algebra book.)

There could be something called "The Big Ideas of Algebra." One could talk about factorization and how you can break these things up into smaller parts, how it leads to things like cancellation, etc.

Has anyone done this? Books, videos, article series, etc. I don't mean videos for young children, but the subject treated with obvious respect and an attempt to show why it's beautiful and why it works.