Im acquiring dual citizenship, and my family wants to move back to the US. Problem is, I dont know if I can go.

I (18ftm) was born in the United States, but my father is Argentinian and I've lived there for the pasr year and a half. Now, my parents want us to move back to the states next year, since they always planned on going back at some point. The problem is, I'm in the process of getting my dual citizenship so I can legally change my name and sex identification. I've been trying to just change it with my normal ID here for the past year, but because of recent laws I need my birth certificate to be changed. The United States won't let me change mine from there, even though I currently no longer live there. Because of this, I'm getting my Argentinian citizenship, where I've been told they will make a new birth certificate and allow my parents to put in my preferred named and sex marker.

I've heard and seen that currently the US is not allowing citizens who have an ID that doesn't reflect their birth certificate into the country, even if again, theyre citizens. If I get my Argentinian ID and new birth certificate changed, will I be allowed back in the US because my US stuff wasnt changed? Or because my birth certificate and ID from another country was changed, am I not allowed in? I do not speak good spanish since my parents never taught me, and none of my family here in Argentina is stable; so staying here when my parents move back next year is not an option. I really don't want to be forced by law to be a woman and to use a name I haven't been called in years, especially since I've been so happy since starting my transition here. I just really don't want to be forced back in the closet, but I also can't live alone. Please help.