Towamencin North Penn School Board Director, Christian Fusco, threatens parents in the community!

North Penn School Board director threatened people in his community stating “I am part of a group you don’t want to F**K with”. This is someone whose school district just completed and 7 month investigation into a violent attack at Pennbrook Middle School which results and findings stated that online and social media played a roll in the attacked that sent one student in an ambulance to the hospital where she got staples in her head. Now current school board Director takes to social media threatening his own community

North Penn School Board director threatened people in his community stating “I am part of a group you don’t want to F**K with”. This is someone whose school district just completed and 7 month investigation into a violent attack at Pennbrook Middle School which results and findings stated that online and social media played a roll in the attacked that sent one student in an ambulance to the hospital where she got staples in her head. Now current school board Director takes to social media threatening his own community