Alcohol question

So lately over the last month or so I've been like completely fine. Friday night I went out to a baseball game and then a club for like 2 beers and had a ton of fun

Last night I went to an outdoor bar place and had a beer and felt fine, then we all went to a bar on the water where I had like half a beer and we ended up just sitting at the bar and it was really boring. I was like falling asleep at the bar

Right when we left around midnight I started to feel weird, like just spacey and off. Then when we got in the car I was shivering, fast heart rate, felt really out of it, my head felt hot, and my hands were really cold. I had to lay down in the car til we got home and I ended up feeling better after I went to the bathroom and like 2 hours laying down.

Does that sound like it was just anxiety/an anxiety attack? Or maybe a reaction to drinking on Lexapro? I didn't have any reason to feel anxious really and I've been doing great for a while so I'm just kinda confused and want to prevent it from happening again