I just need some outside feedback

I want to preface this by saying I’m on the spectrum and it’s difficult for me to view things differently sometimes. (I still want to try though!)

I asked out a masc presenting lesbian at a coffee shop and we decided to go out that next week. As we talked we had so much in common and they seemed super mature and kind. They seemed to prioritize being kind to others and improving. They were also vegetarian and I’m vegan so that was really refreshing and awesome.

They mentioned that they were nonbinary but, still a lesbian. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this but, I’m afraid I will never understand them fully.

They explained that gender is a social construct and can be changed. While I think this is true, I don’t think that doesn’t mean that construct isn’t important to everyone. One of the main reasons I’m a lesbian is because I love the gender of a woman specifically and the culture that surrounds them. I personally think of gender in a binary way but, that doesn’t mean I don’t respect people who think differently than I do. I want to coexist with these people and love them for who they are with our different perspectives.

Time is a social construct but, for most people it’s important and significant. For me, binary gender and especially how lesbians treat each other because of their shared experiences is emotionally significant for me.

I feel like a lot of lesbians (especially the ones I’m attracted to aka mascs) tend to have this same view. What can I do?

I feel lonely with this view. I wish I could change but, it’s something that I’ve recognized about myself