Unpopular opinion

I’d love to see people make fun of you the way you all make fun of Via and Sam… y’all are a bunch of drama seeking assholes who hide behind a screen. Do you know these people in real life? No. You don’t. They are influencers they make relatable content for income like every other influencer and TikTokers you watch but you all won’t call them out right? Or Rylee… for literally dissing Via as well and the things with her ex… you all obviously don’t know how abuse works or haven’t been in one before… because I’m sure if you were in Via’s shoes you wouldn’t believe a thing the ex tells you if your partner is telling you it’s not true because you love and TRUST them more. Via has apologized MULTIPLE times to Rylee, and they don’t HAVE to be friends like you all are forcing them to be. Also it’s so hypocritical to say “no doxxing” in the rules on here but continuously bash Via and Sam for their looks and personality. (Again… you don’t know them you are just speculating)

And oh yeah the N word… she apologized for that again multiple times… yeah we can hold others accountable… but bringing up the past and not giving them a chance to do better??? How is she going to grow as a person if y’all keep bringing it up after she held herself accountable??

No wonder celebrities and singers off themselves, because of people like you all are and I hope karma bites you all in the ass… famous people are human too and make mistakes just like YOU ALL DO.

I am so disgusted.

Let Via and Rylee heal