Wife of 11 years has decided she’s had enough.

Title says is all. A few nights ago she’s dropped the bombshell on me that she loves me but is no longer in love with me. We’ve been married for 11 years and together for 13 and a half. We’ve have two small children aged 7 and 4.

She says that the life we created together was everything that she dreamed of, but feels suffocated and emotionally drained. I always thought I was being a good husband by making sure there was enough money, the kids were taken care the house was clean and her physical needs were met. But she feels that I haven’t been emotionally available and open about my own feelings. I struggle with anxiety to a fair extend and often internalise scenarios that I play over and over again to myself - like will she be unfaithful and such due to the trauma of having similar things happen to me in previous relationships. I internalised that and it eats away at me, which has caused me to project that insecurity onto her to the point she feels guilty when she goes out with friends.

I’ve heard what she has said, I’ve put myself into therapy to work on myself. I don’t know where the relationship will go, but I know it’s on me to fix me before anyone else.

We’re still in the same house in the same bed, cuddling up while we watch Survivor. It’s such a confusing situation. An emotional roller coaster.

Even she says it doesn’t make sense for her to feel this way. She’s willing to go see a therapist together but I don’t know if her heart is in it.

Maybe we just need space to find ourselves. I’m just really lost.

Anyone with a similar experience have some advice?

Tl;dr: wife says she wants out, but is giving mixed signals.