Struggling with my GP placement

Hello! I’m a 5th year medical student and as the title says I’m struggling with my GP placement. There are a lot of times I see a patient and discuss the case with my supervisor and I get told to put things down to “anxiety” or “no tests have ever shown anything”. I try to understand that they might speak from a place of experience, but it feels like so many people get ignored! So many people who present could get just a simple blood test like FBC done, which would provide us with some info, it’s fairly cheap, quick and I could take the bloods but it all just comes down to telling them to rest. I recently had a case where a person was really distressed about being bounced around the system so much that they were scared to ask for help. Another GP hung up on them during consultation because they were being difficult. And yea they were because they have been struggling for years without a solution, bounced around different doctors, and could only explain so much in a 7 min appointment. When I spoke to the patient, it felt like they just needed to get some things off their chest! Listening quietly helped calm them down so much but all other doctors supported the other doc who hung up citing that the patient must have been difficult. Essentially, I’m having a really hard time applying my knowledge and balancing what is expected of me. I would be grateful if anyone could help navigate this!

Thank you!