So, I finally received an offer on the University I really wanted to get into for Medicine 🥹 (WARWICK GEM)

I’m reading around and trying to hype myself up and ensuring I get organised and I know what learning styles/methods are gonna work for me. At the moment I feel like I’m the type to study bit at a time every day rather than spend the whole day studying. I really want to balance study/life and make the most out of it.

My question is, for other GEM students out there who do well enough on exams, how many hours do you actually put in daily for you to have found it effective? How did you schedule your study time? I see vlogs on YouTube about how some students wake up at 4am to study, work, out, breakfast then lectures at 8/9am 💀 and personally I just don’t think I can do that kinda think long-term, if at all lol So I’m just wondering if a lot of people follow this kind of schedule too or do you simply just consolidate for a few hours at the end of every day?