Looking for experienced iOS Developer (specifically Swift UIKit)
Currently in pursuit of trying to build up my knowledge, experience and portfolio in order to hopefully land an iOS software engineer job. I graduated in 2020 with a B.S. in CSE, ended up working for a company that was detrimental to my career progression. Eventually quit after 1.5 years and now have been unemployed for over a year.
I am extremely determined to put my life back on track and achieve a job in iOS development as that has always been my passion when it came to coding.
I’ve been juggling between working on side projects, practicing leetcode and brushing up on all other facets of technical / conceptually related knowledge to improve my chances of reaching my goal.
If there is any iOS developer that has experience in industry; I would greatly appreciate having someone push me in the right direction. I’m not looking for someone to do my work, but someone who can provide me with guidance and filling in gaps where i lack in proficiency.