Looking for a Song
I heard a song a while ago (maybe a year or so now), but I have not been able to find it anywhere.
It went something like:
I called you the other day. . .
I said you sound different; you said we all do anyway.
. . .
I saw you the other day. . .
I said man you look different; you said we all do anyway.
It is about a someone who either lost contact with a friend or someone he was close with and on two different occasions called him or saw him and noted the differences in his appearance and voice.
I think there also may have been something in the song about the rest of the people they once knew. I remember it being slower (and maybe acoustic (at least in these parts)).
I heard it once and forgot to write down the name or otherwise mark it down. I have been looking for several months and cannot find it anywhere. Please let me know if its familiar to anyone or they know it. Thank you!