I think Milgram was always going to end in death
So I rewatched the character voice trailer today and it features some text that's glitched to make it harder to comprehend the lines here make me think someone was always going to die. Even though these are probably related to their crime maybe there was never a perfect path. These're from the youtube captions translations so forgive any mistakes.
Haruka: Ten *hat shd ** I one is**d?! *e* me! Te** me so e*** I cn unrst*d! Then what should I[have] done instead?! Tell me! Tell me so even I can understand!
His is pretty straightforward but the positioning of have is weird so it might not be that but it also could be Haruka's improper speech or just captioning error.
Yuno: I **'t be bh*ed. I can't/won't be bothered.
We saw how Yuno reacted to just the judgements and attacks, her disdain for Milgram showing but still cooperative but what if something worse happens? I think it's plausible she stops caring at that point.
Futa: Ev**e ese **s hig fu wen't te? **at aut thm? W* is it ut me? Everyone else was having fun weren't they? What about them? Why is it just me?
This one really sparked the first thought that maybe someone was always going to due. What about them? Sounded like what about the people who are voted guilty or died. It's kind of ambiguous but I thought who could them be.
Mu: I's *or alt for do*g *orble thng* to *e. It's your fault for doing horrible things to me.
Sounds like blaming us for Haruka's death. It's our fault for voting her guilty. A horrible thing to do to Mu.
Shidou: Not ded, yeah *'s dfitely not da. I fnlly unrstn the vlu of wt I've b*en *ong *eole of. Not dead, yeah ***'s definitely not dead. I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of.
The first part really confused me I'm not sure if the blur is meant to be a character or she's so I left it blank. Either way, you have to wonder how he comes to understand the value of a life without someone losing their's or something similar. Maybe if he was voted guilty?
Mahiru: I's le. T** is **ve! It's love. This is love!
She's registering something as love but the feeling she knows as love is also really toxic. I figure something weird would have to be going down for her to think of love.
Kazui: I'm so db... Wh* dd I *av to da*? I'm so dumb... Why did I have to dream?
Maybe he was dreaming he could be happy w/Shidou? (0507) but also just thinking he could be happy in the prison in general then Koto attacked and people died.
Amane: I'm sry! *rr! I'* *or for b*akig the *ls! I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry for breaking the rules!
There's something interesting in this in that Milgram has no rules that we know of. There are fundamental ways the universe works but no rules beside Es's judgement. But also Amane kills people for breaking her religion's rules, she output what she learned to an extreme extent and then adding Shidou who goes directly against her doctrine kinda seems like setting him up for death, no?
Mikoto: My le... it ws't s*psed to be this w*y. My life... it wasn't supposed to be this way.
Now, the worst thing about this line is the elipses between life and it as it opens up different interpretations of the line. Is he still talking about his life after he continues as though he took a second to reminisce or did he just do something awful, think about its impact on his life and then lament the results?
Kotoko: Ts *els *o *. This feels so good.
Kotoko, at least a part of her, enjoys violence or authority for her to literally be stating her pleasure I imagine that she was given an opportunity to express one of those things or something similar. Now, when Kotoko attacks she aims to kill, if she's acting as an authority and punishing whenever isn't it likely she kills someone?
Obviously these lines mainly focus/relate to their crimes but from a different perspective in that people have died some of the lines meanings can shift when interpreted with relation to the present and future rather than the past, but idk maybe I'm crazy.