Ice Mice Remix feat. A Tiny Surprise

I found the ice mice ball and did not make them because this vision popped into my head instead :)

  • water bottle is an empty HP potion ingredient bottle partially filled w clear resin
  • food dish is a cap from a small resin
  • food is a mix of sand, rice, and then also a single boba sliced up into like eighths. Oh and some pineapple cut smaller for cheese
  • the wheel actually turns, it's a plastic bottle cap from a soda bottle
  • the "mouse house" was made my pouring the lilac candle resin into one of the fruit packages that was split into two - I used the smaller portion. I put some resin in thin coats that I layered to get to the thickness I wanted, and then cut a door out w an exacto knife
  • toilet paper roll is just a piece of a paper bag rolled up and cut to fit. Tried to make it look like they had been chewing on it :)
  • the surprise pinkies (baby mice) are basically rolled up 'crumbs' left over from the from scratch pink lemonade bundt cake; stuck them to a piece of clear plastic with some clear resin so I didn't have to worry about them getting lost in the shavings.
  • the shavings are the paper that the plant bouquets come in, ripped and cut into little shreds
  • lastly the container itself is from these sets I used to buy from microfigures, I think they're called? Blind box style and they had 5 little surprises layered in there. I've been holding on to the containers for so long and tbh I'm SO glad I did!

I hope you all enjoyed 🐁 🐁 🐁