Feeling insecure
This might sound so insignificant and superficial and maybe it is but I hate my nose. My grandmother is black and much darker than I am but is still light skinned enough to “pass” for white/Italian/tan etc. My biological father is from Norway so I am very very light skinned aka white AF. That being said i look like my grandmother I have a very strong muscular stereotypically black body and black facial features (large lips and wide nose) i like my lips and always have but I’ve always been insecure about my nose. It’s not that I don’t think black facial features are pretty. I just think without melanin that my facial features don’t “fit my face”. I feel like if I had darker skin I would like it but as it is right now I feel like I look like someone stuck a black face on a white body and I just look….off. Am I off base here? Does anyone else feel the same? Is it normal to wish to be blacker or whiter?