What is the most overrated or underrated season/episode in your opinion and why?
For me, underrated be season 8. I know a lot of people prefer the earlier seasons but season 8 is amazing. I love the young six and I so wish season 9 and G5 focused on them instead of why they did do. Season 8 is amazing.
Overrated season is season 2. I find it eh, it's not bad, but there are definitely better seasons.
Underrated episode is magical mystery cure. It's probably just nostalgia but I was 3 or 4 watching it over and over again. I was so happy that Twilight became an alicorn. And I loved all the songs!!!
Overrated episode is Sleepless in ponyville. Once again, it's probably just due to nostalgia but this episode and Stare master TERRIFIED me as a kid. So now I dislike these episodes