Jessie for Janet

Another story triggered my memory of this situation.

My great-grandmother gave birth to her first daughter at a time that the new father went to the registry office to name and register the new baby while new mum was still recovering at home or in the hospital. This has caused many issues with naming arguments and/or spelling issues over the years but this one ended up just being funny.

So new dad comes back from the registry office all proud and new mum says, "so, what did you name her?" and new dad says "Jessie, after your mother!" feeling all chuffed with himself. "But my mum's name is Janet" says the new mum "Jessie is just a nickname" and fell about laughing. Poor guy was never allowed to live that down. Jessie was my grandmother and loved her name.

As funny as it is as a family story, it did get me thinking, Jessie is an odd nickname for Janet although, I am told it is quite common. My Uncle Iain's name is actually John too.

Are there other commonly used nicknames for names that don't make sense?