Eldritch Knight is SO close to being good
War Bond is just a worse Pact of the Blade, that you get 2 levels later. If only the text said "this bound weapon can also be used as a spellcasting focus", the main problem eldritch knight has (balancing a shield, 2 handed weapon, or dual wielding with a wand or other focus) would be solved.
The fact is, WoTC knows that this makes a glass good, and they applied it to warlock. Please, for an entire subclass that's supposed to make a mediocre class (fighter) have magic capabilities, please don't hamstring the ability of the class to do what it's good at: hitting things and having good AC.
An easy rule change to let War Bond allow focus weapons would keep eldritch knight as the worst spellcaster still, while also not making it OP or breaking anything. Of course you can just take the eldritch adept feat or dip one level into warlock at this point, but for roleplaying purposes and the fact that doing so is just annoying... let the MAGIC SWORDSMAN have a MAGIC SWORD please