I think eunhyeok is suffering from huge mental problems

People are saying that he is acting cold...but I think he is suffering from BPD. I think eunhyeok is all over the place cause he is changing his emotions a lot. Because he is changing his emotions a lot. First he is acting cold then if he was acting like a jerk towards hee why is he tensed when he meets her face to face? Then in the 3rd picture it looks like that he is trying to ignore her. But huh? In the 4th picture he is talking to her? Then he is acting angry? And in 6th pic he is tensed ? Then he just gets sad for spilling the coffer I mean getting panicked is okay but sad? And then in the 8th why is he acting like it's a crime by just being close to her? One can argue that it's because he respects her choice but then why in the 9th picture he is mocking her. Eunhyeok what are you hiding? What happened to you? Why are you all over the place?