Met Outlast Haters😔

Hi yall, today I was in a class for my college course and I was in a group. I’m a girl and I was in a group with two guys and they constantly talked over me, and eventually started talking about games. I got excited when outlast was mentioned but I was immediately laughed at and told how trash the game was. Just annoying how some people can be that way and it’s a shame they can’t appreciate how amazing the series is at the very least 😔

Honestly it feels so silly like we’re in college this is something I’d expect if I was in high school. But I wanted to rant on here cause I feel like yall would understand why I was bummed by this as we are all big fans of Outlast. Outlast has been apart of my life probably since I was a kid and I’ve replayed it over 50 times within this past year alone. It’s special to me 😔

Anyway thanks for reading if you did, just a rant🙏